Community Highlights
Sebastopol is designated as a Bronze-level community due to its comprehensive planning efforts, engineering improvements, and demonstrated support from the community for walking-related programs and initiatives. Community highlights include:
- More than 10 percent of residents walk to work! The city works with Sonoma County to participate in the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project. These volume data will help the Sebastopol understand where and when people are walking for all trips, not just work trips.
- Cittaslow Sebastopol wanted to help residents and visitors “park once and walk” so they worked with the city to launch the Sebastopol Ped Line, which involved color-coded wayfinding and self-guided walking tours.
- Good sidewalk coverage throughout the city. Sebastopol has also used grant funds to improve pedestrian crossings along the highway that serves as the “main street” through Sebastopol.
- Sebastopol schools have been operating “walk and roll Wednesdays” for six years! The city works closely with the county to support Safe Routes to School programming and they even have a program for middle school students that focuses on active transportation