Community Highlights
Shorewood, WI is designated as a Bronze-level community due extensive sidewalk coverage and high walking and transit mode shares. Highlights of Shorewood’s application include:
- Shorewood has a low pedestrian crash rate despite a high mode share for walking and transit in the community. Crashes have dropped since the implementation of recommendations from a Pedestrian Safety Study.
- Good local participation in Walk to School Day by all of the Village’s primary schools. A recent Safe Kids Grant will support the creation of new safe routes maps for families of school-aged children.
- The well-connected street network and extensive sidewalk coverage, including curb ramps, supported by a bi-annual program for assessing and repairing sidewalk segments using dedicated funds.
- Shorewood has also employed slow vehicular traffic speeds downtown, right-turn-on-red restrictions, tight corner radii and RRFBs as pedestrian safety countermeasures.