Community Highlights
Tempe received an Honorable Mention due to its engineering practices, sidewalk coverage, and mode split. Community highlights include:
- The community’s comprehensive approach to improving the environment for people walking. Streetscape projects usually include shade from vegetation, awnings, and canopies; paving or widening sidewalks; meeting or exceeding requirements from Americans with Disabilities Act; and pedestrian safety improvements. For more information, check out Tempe’s 2015 Transportation Plan.
- Twenty-seven miles of trails that offer access to schools, parks, and along the city’s canal system. To ensure that the planned trail system continues to be built out, the city’s engineering design criteria states that “development of parcels located along multi-use paths designated by the most recent adopted Tempe Bicycle Plan and Updates may be required to dedicate a 25′ easement per the City’s exaction policy.”