Walk Friendly Communities staff is hitting the road in 2019, and we hope to see you at some of these excellent conferences across the United States.
Active Living Conference 
When: February 17-20, 2019
Where: Charleston, SC
Why Walk Friendly: The Active Living Conference convenes representatives from the realms of public health, transportation and beyond on issues relevant to expanding opportunities to bring active transportation and physical activity into everyday life. Walking is critical to healthy, active communities, and this conference is sure to produce big takeaways from both research and practice.
Main Street Now Conference
When: March 25-27, 2019
Where: Seattle, WA
Why Walk Friendly: Historic, compact downtowns and neighborhoods are some of the most walkable places nationwide and are common in communities of all sizes. The Main Street Now Conference draws from the fields of planning, historic preservation, economic development and government staff/council members for engaging information exchange around enhancing these important districts.
American Planning Association National Planning Conference
When: April 13-16, 2019
Where: San Francisco, CA
Why Walk Friendly: The APA National Planning Conference is a yearly highlight, with planners from around the country engaging peers on current challenges and best practices around community building. With San Francisco as a backdrop, attendees will be surrounded by premium walking culture.
Safe Systems Summit
When: April 23-24, 2019
Where: Durham, NC
Why Walk Friendly: The Collaborative Center for Road Safety’s Safe Systems Summit presents an opportunity to explore road safety from a Safe Systems approach with practitioners from research institutions, planning, public health, engineering, government and technology sectors. Principles, tools and techniques of systems thinking are applicable in a variety of contexts and can serve to enhance considerations around ensuring a walk friendly environment.
International Trails Symposium
When: April 28-May 1, 2019
Where: Syracuse, NY
Why Walk Friendly: Multiuse Paths, greenways, natural surface trails and the like encourage walking in appealing environments, and can impart many health, access and social well-being benefits to a community. Engaging with those on the forefront of getting these projects on the ground will surely inspire!
Institute of Transportation Engineers
When: July 21-24, 2019
Where: Austin, TX
Why Walk Friendly: Transportation Engineers are the boots on the ground designing, implementing and evaluating transportation infrastructure, including pedestrian treatments. Better walkable built environments encourage walking and enhance community.
NACTO Designing Cities Conference
When: September 9-12, 2019
Where: Toronto, ON
Why Walk Friendly: The National Association of City Transportation Officials conference attracts engineers, planners, consultants, city councilmembers and many others from member communities around the country. Informative and interactive presentations in the field and NACTO’s trademark walkshops make this conference a valuable resource for attendees.
Women’s Issues in Transportation Conference
When: September 10-13, 2019
Where: Irvine, CA
Why Walk Friendly: This conference will highlight topics which focus on women in transportation, through the lenses of insight, inclusion and impact. A truly walk friendly community is designed around the many varying needs of the entire population, and gender is an important consideration.
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals Conference
When: September 25-28, 2019
Where: Portland, OR
Why Walk Friendly: The APBP conference is the place to find the best and brightest in bicycle and pedestrian planning, engineering, and research. A biennial conference which lands in a new location each time, the 2019 visit to Portland, OR is sure to be showcase some of the finest pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure in the US.